Speech-Language Impairments
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K-12 CAMS for Students with Speech-Language Impairments

Individuals with speech-language impairments may experience any of the limitations discussed below.  The degree of limitation will vary among individuals. Not all students with speech-language impairments will need CAMS (compensations accommodations, modifications, strategies) to perform in school and many others may only need a few CAMS. Regardless, each student’s case should be evaluated on an individual basis with an Independent Needs Assessment Protocol done by an Educational Strategist & Consultant or a Special Educational Needs Consultant (SEN).  The following is a sample of possible CAMS for students with speech-language impairments.  Other CAMS solutions may exist so check with an Educational Strategist & Consultant or Special Educational Needs Consultant (SEN) for more information.          



1. What limitations the student with speech-language impairments is experiencing?

2. How these limitations affect the student and the student's school performance?

3. What specific activities or tasks are problematic as a result of these limitations?

4. What CAMS are available to reduce or eliminate these problems?

5. Are all possible resources being used to determine possible CAMS?

6. Has the student with speech-language impairments been consulted regarding possible CAMS?  Does the student know how s/he learns best?

7. Once CAMS are in place, would it be useful to talk with the student and/or team to evaluate the effectiveness of the CAMS and to determine whether additional or different CAMS are needed?

8. Do parents and school staff need training regarding speech-language impairments?

9.  Schedule time to meet with the Educational Strategist & Consultant or Special Educational Needs Consultant (SEN) to determine how to communicate needed CAMS with the school team and how to document.





Communicating with the Person with the Speech or Language Impairment:

·        Be patient, do not complete words or phrases for the individual

·        Concentrate on the content of the conversation not the delivery

·        Communicate as naturally as possible


Communicating One-on-One or in Groups:

·        Provide pen and paper, chalk, or dry-erase boards

·        Allow the use of a computer with word processing software, word prediction software, and/or speech output software

·        Provide a portable speech amplifier

·        Provide or allow the use of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices.  AAC devices provide communication access through typed or pre-programmed words and sentences or through pictorial symbols.

·        Provide a TTY.  TTYs are traditionally used for text telephone communication for individuals who have no speech or speech that is difficult to understand, but can also be useful to communicate one-on-one through a TTY trainer device that connects TTYs together without a telephone line.

·        Allow the use of e-mail or instant messaging

Graduation day

© 2006 Claudia Lowe, SENC  ......  adapted from www.jan.wvu.edu