Brain Injury

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K-12 CAMS for Students with Brain Injury

Children on a playground; Size=240 pixels wide

Individuals with a brain injury may experience any of the limitations discussed below.  The degree of limitation will vary among individuals. Not all students with a brain injury will need CAMS (compensations accommodations, modifications, strategies) to perform in school and many others may only need a few CAMS. Regardless, each student’s case should be evaluated on an individual basis with an Independent Needs Assessment Protocol done by an Educational Strategist & Consultant or a Special Educational Needs Consultant (SEN).  The following is a sample of possible CAMS for students with a brain injury.  Other CAMS solutions may exist so check with an Educational Strategist & Consultant or Special Educational Needs Consultant (SEN) for more information.          



1. What limitations the student with a brain injury is experiencing?

2. How these limitations affect the student and the student's school performance?

3. What specific activities or tasks are problematic as a result of these limitations?

4. What CAMS are available to reduce or eliminate these problems?

5. Are all possible resources being used to determine possible CAMS?

6. Has the student with a brain injury been consulted regarding possible CAMS?  Does the student know how s/he learns best?

7. Once CAMS are in place, would it be useful to talk with the student and/or team to evaluate the effectiveness of the CAMS and to determine whether additional or different CAMS are needed?

8. Do parents and school staff need training regarding brain injury?

9.  Schedule time to meet with the Educational Strategist & Consultant or Special Educational Needs Consultant (SEN) to determine how to communicate needed CAMS with the school team and how to document.








·        Reduce distractions in the work space area

·        Provide space enclosures or a quiet work space area

·        Allow for use of white noise or environmental sound machines

·        Allow student to play soothing music using an audio player and headset

·        Increase natural lighting or provide full spectrum lighting

·        Assist student in reducing clutter in the student's work environment

·        Plan for uninterrupted work time

·        Divide large assignments into smaller tasks and steps

·        Restructure tasks and activities to include mastery of only essential functions



·        Make daily to-do lists and check items off as they are completed

·        Use several calendars to mark tasks, activities, and deadlines

·        Remind student of important deadlines via notes, e-mail, frequent personal contact

·        Use a watch or pager with timer capability

·        Use electronic organizers

·        Divide large assignments into smaller tasks and steps

·        Assign a coach or mentor to assist student with determining goals and provide daily guidance

·        Schedule weekly sessions with staff, coach, or mentor to determine if goals are being met


Problem Solving:

·        Provide picture diagrams of problem solving techniques such as flow charts

·        Restructure the tasks or activity to include only mastery or completion of essential functions

·        Assign a coach or mentor to be available when the student has questions



·        Allow the student to record lectures, directions, and discussions

·        Provide type written minutes of each lecture 2-3 days in advance

·        Use notebooks, calendars, or sticky notes to record information for easy retrieval

·        Provide written as well as verbal instructions

·        Allow additional teaching and learning time

·        Provide written checklists

·        Provide environmental cues to assist in memory for locations of items and supplies such as labels, color coding, posters, or bulletin boards

·        Post instructions over all frequently used areas



Gross Motor Impairment:

·        Modify the work space area to make it accessible:

§         Provide parking or drop off close to the entrance

§         Provide an accessible entrance

§         Consider automatic door openers

§         Provide an accessible restroom

§         Provide an accessible route of travel to other areas used by the student

·        Modify the workstation to make it accessible:

§         Adjust desk height if wheelchair or scooter is used

§         Make sure materials and supplies are within reach range

§         Move desk or work space close to other study areas, supplies, and doors


Vision Impairment:

·        Provide written information in large print

·        Change fluorescent lights to high intensity, white lights

·        Increase natural lighting

·        Provide a glare guard for computer monitors

·        Consult with a vision specialist



·        Reduce or eliminate physical exertion and stress

·        Schedule periodic rest breaks away from the work space or classroom

·        Allow a flexible schedule and flexible use of break time

·        Allow work from home

·        Implement ergonomic work space design

·        Provide a scooter or other mobility aid if walking cannot be reduced


Work Effectively with Staff:

·        Provide positive praise and reinforcement

·        Provide written task and activity instructions

·        Write clear expectations of responsibilities and the results

·        Allow for open communication to peers and staff

·        Establish written long term and short term goals

·        Develop strategies to deal with problems before they arise

·        Provide written work completion agreements

·        Develop a procedure to evaluate the effectiveness of the CAMS



·        Provide praise and positive reinforcement

·        Refer to counseling and student assistance programs

·        Allow telephone calls during school hours to doctors and others for needed support

·        Provide sensitivity training to peers and staff

·        Allow the student to take a break to use stress management techniques to deal with frustration


Attendance Issues:

·        Provide flexible attendance for health problems

·        Provide a self-paced study load and flexible hours

·        Allow student to work from home

·        Provide part-time school schedule


Issues of Change:

·        Recognize that a change in the school environment or of staff may be difficult

·        Maintain open channels of communication between the student and the new and old staff in order to ensure an effective transition

·        Provide daily or weekly sessions  with the student to discuss school issues and production levels

© 2006 Claudia Lowe, SENC  ......  adapted from www.jan.wvu.edu