Technical Assistance for Parents and California Community Advisory Committees

Technical Assistance for CACs
Answers for Parents
Parent-Teacher Collaboration
Interest-based Technical Assistance
Fact Sheets
Power Point Presentations
Technical Assistance for CACs
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Technical Assistance

Making your local CAC work for your community...

Through collaborative efforts CACs can strive and work toward improved education for children and young adults with special needs, those being served on IEPs and 504 plans.  CAC Technical Assistance brings experienced and insightful training to CACs and the families they serve.  To accomplish this, CAC Technical Assistance offers workshops, presentations, consulting, websites, and printed materials. CAC TEchnical Assistance encourages activities and dialogue that strengthens collaboration between general education, special education, families, and community to improve education for all students. Funds for these activities come from speakers fees and stipends.

Technical assistance is defined as customized problem solving around a specific situation or issue in achieving improved educational results. Interventions prescribed utilize technical assistance methodology specific to the outcomes desired. Technical assistance can be customized training, facilitation, coaching, site-visits, information dissemination, and referral.


The focus is on core issues that communicate common messages to CACs in selected areas of need. These common or core messages articulate establishing a model CAC.  The core messages have been identified by parents, the CDE, and PCSE.

CAC Technical Assistance will provide trainings and technical assistance based on requests that reflect the following:
Community Outreach
Parent Training
Section 504
Student-directed IEPs and 504 Meetings
Family Involvment
Conflict and Collaboration

Each CAC has a unique make up of parents, students, school staff, and community.  At the same time there are common concerns and issues that all CACs share.  Interest-based technical assistance for CACs can help to accomplish the following:

  • Help develop parent training that will improve parent participation
  • Implement effective practices regarding approaches to behavior and transition
  • Help build collaborative relationships among students, families, school, and community
  • Help CACs understand their role and how to effectuate change
  • and more

CACs can request interest-based technical assistance by completing the Speaker Request form on the Power Point Presentation page of this website.

Knowledge is power.

Information provided on this site and all other communications produced by Claudia Lowe, J.D., SENC is for educational purposes only and not to be considered legal or medical advice or recommendations.