Technical Assistance for Parents and California Community Advisory Committees


Answers for Parents
Parent-Teacher Collaboration
Interest-based Technical Assistance
Fact Sheets
Power Point Presentations
Technical Assistance for CACs
Quick Helps

CAC Student Activities

Interest-based technical assistance is available to help your CAC with...
  • promoting and enhancing student participation, self-determination, in their education
  • providing access to individuals of diverse disabilities and diverse cultures
  • providing support for a community-based LEAD program
  • emphasizing student knowledge of ADA, Section 504, and transition for improved postsecondary outcomes
  • emphasizing student knowledge of IDEA and Section 504 for improved educational outcomes
  • creating avenues for increased student involvement in CAC


Section 504 Online


IEP Student

The Advocacy and Learning Center

Learning Disabilities Collaborative Action Network (LDCAN)

504 Student


The July 2003 GAO report to Congress states that students need self-advocacy training to improve Transition outcomes. Youth with disabilities reported problems obtaining knowledge about their rights under laws like IDEA and the ADA and identifying and learning how to ask for specific accommodations needed to succeed in school and the workplace. Research shows that youth who obtain self-determination and self-advocacy skills are more likely to achieve positive education and employment outcomes.

Primary obstacles to self-advocacy are lack of leadership skills, lack of experience, and lack of school and community support. Lack of school support persists in light of the 1997 Amendments to IDEA with its emphasis on Transition. Of all IDEA youth who left high school during the 2000-01 school year, 57% received a standard high school diploma, an additional 11% received an alternative credential. It is left up to parents, advocates, and programs such as LEAD to respond with educational opportunities to develop self-advocacy skills.

Be a parent leader in your community and empower other parents by starting a LEAD program.

Steps your CAC can take right now...
Invite students to regularly attend and partcipate in CAC meetings.
Assist in starting a community-based LEAD program in your community.
Offer Student-directed IEP and 504 Plan workshops.
Offer workshops on Section 504, ADA, transition, and self-advocacy.
Help parents/guardians transition from parent advocate to partner advocate.
Create a newlsetter specifically for students.
Bring CAC to school campuses for meetings or presentations to students.

Interest-based workshops and presentations...
Student-directed IEP and 504 Plans
The Power of Section 504
Strategies for IEP and 504 Plan Meetings
LEAD: Preparing Students with Disabilities to Self-Advocate
LEAD: Starting a Community-based LEAD Program
Strategies for Behavior Plan Meetings
Strategies for Transition Planning

for information contact Claudia Lowe, J.D.

Promoting Partnerships and Collaboration through Interest-based Technical Assistance.

Information provided on this site and all other communications produced by Claudia Lowe, J.D., SENC is for educational purposes only and not to be considered legal or medical advice or recommendations.