Quick Helps

*This site is not affiliated with, nor endorsed by, the California Department of Education or its assigns.
Details of the collaboration can be found at www.calstat.org
A Model Site will...
- demonstrate data growth of "all students"
- demonstrate a history of effective partnerships with families, students, community, business, service agencies, family
centers, disability support groups and organizations, teachers and staff
- provide evidence of inclusivity; professional parent, student, and community learning communities; and strong leadership
- demonstrate educational collaboration through outreach, training, and follow-up
- demonstrate best practices and evidence-based practice
- demonstrate consistent and effective community outreach
Interest-based technical assistance...
Interest-based technical assistance is from parents, by parents, for parents. This form of assistance helps parents,
families, and students participate more fully and effectively to make informed-decisions regarding the education of students
with disabilities that impact learning.
The resources offered on this website are focused on the needs of CACs and the communities they serve. The parent
trainers referenced on this site have been actively involved in local CACs and/or on the state level committees that emphasize
the special needs of students with IEPs and 504 plans.
The local CAC can, and should be, the first resource parents, students, families, schools, and communities come to for
meetings, trainings, printed materials, referrals, resources, and ongoing support. It should be a strong and knowledgeable
voice on behalf of the special population it serves.
*Click here for information on the collaborative process.